I was out in the woods checking things out. Mom thought it was something how I just kind of blend into the background. So can you see me? I am sure that when Spring comes and all the background turns green it will be much easier to see me. I had fun checking out this log and all the other ones in the woods. Of course I had to mark them. he he
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Can you see me?
I was out in the woods checking things out. Mom thought it was something how I just kind of blend into the background. So can you see me? I am sure that when Spring comes and all the background turns green it will be much easier to see me. I had fun checking out this log and all the other ones in the woods. Of course I had to mark them. he he
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Check out the log
Look at me I am running and having all kinds of fun. Mom caught me just as I was ready to jump this log. She was trying to catch me in the act but I was just to fast for her and her camera. I sure had a lot of fun on this beautiful day. I am hoping that this weekend is just as nice so I can have this much fun again...
Monday, February 26, 2007
Aunt Carrie's neighbor
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Standing on a log
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Windy at the Lake
It was very windy at the Lake today. As you can see it was hard just standing on the picnic table. It kept blowing my ears back. I really didn't seem to mind though. I still ran around sniffing everything in site. I think I found more bones than Dad found money.
You see him there in the background digging in the dirt. I think he said all he found today was pennies and a few dimes. Not a very profitable day for dirt digging but very profitable for a dog searching for bones... :0)
Friday, February 23, 2007
Puppy Gus and Shmed
Mom found another old picture of me with that furry cat Shmed. As you can see I wasn't much bigger than her. I enjoyed terrorizing her even at that age. I still enjoy chasing her. I haven't figured out why she runs. She knows that when she runs I am going to chase her. As of late she has been sitting in the kitchen window when I go out in the morning. The window is just high enough that I can't reach her. Maybe she is learning....
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Me and Lola as pups
She wanted to compare Lola Pearl and me. Aren't we a cute couple??

This is another picture of my Canadian friend Lola Pearl. She is enjoying her Winter playing in the snow I really wish I could be there with her. I think we would have great fun playing together.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
What is down there
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
What is this
I can not really figure out what I have found here. It sure has a different smell to it. Maybe if I stick my nose in here deep enough I can figure it out. I know I look kind of funny but I really want to know what is down there. The sad thing is I never really did figure it out. It wasn't for a lack of trying...
Monday, February 19, 2007
Having fun at the lake
Yesterday was such a beautiful day that I just couldn't resist running down to the dock and running back up. I thought about going for a swim but I thought better of it. I was warm but I think more than my legs getting wet would be just to much for today. Maybe in a few weeks when the Lake starts to warm up. Come on Summer I want to go swimming....
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Beautiful Day at the Lake
Friday, February 16, 2007
Still dreaming
I am still dreaming of Summer. It is another cold day in Texas. In was 19 degrees this AM when Mom went to work. She had to scrape the frost off the VW windows.
Dad had the day off for his Birthday tomorrow but it was cold. He did go to a Tot Lot by his work around noon but he didn't take me. I was quite disappointed but tomorrow is another day. Too bad Mom has to work though. I can always hope for Sunday. Maybe it will warm up so we can stay for quite awhile. But until then I will continue to show you what I am dreaming about..
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Remembering a beautiful day
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Picture of the Lake
The birds were all making lots of noise even though it was cold out there. I guess those birds don't know that it is cold.. Of course when we got close to the they all shut up.. Maybe they were hiding from me.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
4 wheeler path
It appeared to be a 4 wheeler path. I am sure Grandpa Bum would love riding his 4 wheeler down this path. It came right out on the beach.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Eurika Park
Dad went looking for stuff in the Tot lot again. He said he found a couple of Chucky Cheese tokens. I don't think those are worth a lot but Dad had a lot of fun digging..
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Look at my new bone
We went for a long walk today at a new park today but I will tell you about that tomorrow....
Saturday, February 10, 2007
I went to the PetSmart, Ya
Look at me I got to go to PetSmart today. Home of Smart pets like me. I saw lots of other dogs both big and small. I think I scared a little Bejon. I barked at him and he scrambled to the end of his leash. I am not sure why everyone turned and looked when I barked. I guess I have one of those deep voices that carry through the entire store. I also got to see cats behind glass. I kind of felt sorry for those poor kitties. The sign said SPCA so I guess they were waiting for new parents.
Mom and Dad bought me a new collar. Mom says a pretty blue one, you know blue for a handsome blue heeler like me. You should have seen all the colors they had. Mom was looking at a purple one but I don't think Dad thought that wasn't manly enough for me. They also got me some new bones. I really like raw hide bones...
Friday, February 09, 2007
I found another stick
Tomorrow is Saturday and I have visions of going to the lake and finding another one of these!!!
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Pictures from the Lake
I am hoping that this weekend it will be back up in the 70's and we can go to the Lake again..
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Mom and Dad I am ready
Dad didn't get the hint to quickly and he left my best sticks right there by the truck. I sure hope some other dog doesn't find them before I get back there.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Just hanging out
Monday, February 05, 2007
Picture of the lake
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Tot Lot
Dad would like to go back there again someday when it isn't quite so cold. 40 degrees with a strong wind was not Mom's idea of great park going weather. I really didn't see any problem with it. I have a nice warm coat..
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Canadian Friends

Look, there are other blue heelers like me that play in the snow. This is Lola Pearl and Mickey they live in Canada. In Canada they actually have snow that lasts for awhile. It looks so beautiful there. Lola is a blue heeler puppy that Mom's friend rescued. As you can see she also has a lot of energy like me. I sure wish that place called Canada was closer so I could go visit her. Maybe we could play in the snow together. Thanks Lola for sending me this great picture. Keep those pictures coming so we can see Lola growing up.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Snow in Texas
Mom went to work but she said it was quite the ride. They shut the highway down to for 45 minutes and Mom just sat there. They decided they needed to sand the bridge. She finally arrived about an hour later than normal..
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Snow in Texas
It has stopped now but it sure was pretty while it lasted. We can hope for more during the night and maybe Mom and Dad can stay home and play in it with me tomorrow...
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