Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Supper Time!

Can you tell it is supper time? We are being so good waiting for Dad to put those bowls down..

I have a routine where I start staring at Mom at like 5 PM. Of course Supper time is not until 6 so Mom gets a bit tired of me staring at her. I even try to nudge her a bit to get her attention. She is really good at ignoring me...


Duke said...

haha So you guys can tell time too??!! Us too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Harry said...

Can you believe we got no dinner yesterday. Ma thought pa had done it, and he thought she had. We should make more fuss!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

the many Bs said...

yay for dinner! you guys are good at knowing when it's dinner time. staring at your parents really helps a lot, doesn't it? hee hee


Southbaygirl said...

Cattle dogs are SO SMART! We can tell time! I love being smart!

Yeah Winton's tummy looks VERY FUNNY! ha ha!

Peanut said...

My mom would like to be able to ignore me. At 5 I start barking at her to make sure I get my dinner. She hates it and has tried everything she knows to get me to stop. She says you can come live with us and stare at her all you want.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Hi Gus and Louie,
Thanks for visiting me! We are waiting for our supper at my house too right now! Hope you did not have to wait too long!

Girasol said...

hey guys, what is for supper?
Enjoy your dinner!

Fay said...

Hi Gus and Louie,

Border Collies stare too! Yep, they have that "eye" thing going on. They look a me, they look towards the kitchen. It starts about half an hour before actual food time just in case I get too distracted by clicking away on these keys to notice the time.

Wags and slurrpy kisses!
Fay & the Pack

Snowball said...

I also practise this staring method to tell my hooman that I am hungry or when I want to go for potty. It works pretty well with my daddy but not for jie jie cos she dun seems to get the message all the time. I think she is more stupid than daddy.


Lorenza said...

Hi, friends!
I have the same technique! Sometimes work, sometimes don't!
Kisses and hugs

L said...

You guys are very good at waiting. We run around like maniacs. Then, sometimes we trick our girl into thinking she forget to feed us, and we get fed again.
Comet and BLU

Lacy said...

woofies Gus and Louie, me stares too...and gits under dar feeties....bol dey usually trwy to feeded me 1st...

b safe,

i said...

Who can ever miss dinner time...not us! I'd say we are all pretty punctual about that, don't we?

I've learned a great deal too about staring. Used to only stare when it's my bedtime. Then chow time. Now walkie time! Heh heh...

Emma the Golden Girl said...

and the Canine Kids said,
We love our dinner too! Good for you to keep reminding Mom that it's time to EAT.
Congratulations on your featured blog award. You guys deserve it!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

do u actually called food during 6pm supper!!

for me...6pm is dinner....and 11pm is supper...heheh

Mack said...

Very practical!!
When mom yells "Breakfast" I come a running!
(She calls Breakfast and supper "breakfast"; I don't know why....)

Lenny said...

And the humans think we can't tell time...ha!

Your friend, Lenny

Noah the Airedale said...

We eat in the morning at about 10am. We do a fair bit of staring ourselves...gotta show we mean business.

Hugs and tail wags