Mom was busy being silly with the camera again. She was actually taking pictures of our noses..
So who do you think has the most handsome one? I think it is mine but, I maybe a bit bias!
Check out our award!! Brooke and Opy awarded us the "Feature Blog of the Month" award. We are so thankful to them and all our friends at the Bone Zone.. Thanks everyone....
Hey Gus and Louie,
Thanks for sniffin' arounds my place. You've a cooools place too.
Looks like you 1,2 1,2 two have noses for news. Arf Arfs! They're both cutes. Hards to smell, I means tell.
Congrats on your awards. That's soo neatos!
Oh, and MERRYS NEW YEAR!!! to you and your peeps.
Freda (Ƨ)
PS Do you twitter? ( A bunch of us DWB doggers bark there. I bark at It's cooools!
We like both noses!! Happy New Years You guys!!!! Love A+A
Congrats on the Award!!! You boys deserve it. And I loves your noses...both of them equally!!!
Lots of licks, Ruby
We love both of your noses! Congratulations on the featured blog award! We love your blog!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Gus & Louie, we like your sniffers. we think they are equally beautiful and amazingly fine-tuned smelling systems. our mom is silly like that too and takes photos of our body parts. humans are odd creatures, aren't they?
congrats on your featured blog award. you guys are great. we wuf you.
happy new year woofers.
Twitter !?!?!
We have never heard of that before, freda !!!
We will look into Twitter, Thanks !!!
thanks for visiting...happy new year to you too!
Great noses guys!! I have to agree Gus your nose is very beautiful :)
Congratulations on the award too - your blog is great and we love seeing the great photos of both of you.
And the winner, by a nose is------ GUS! (just because you're older and my first Granddawg)
Hey cutie patooties, Congrats on being the featured blog!
Nice noses! Happy New Year to you and your family pals! Jx
Congrats - Feature Blog...
Happy New Year 2008 - gonna be a GREAT BIG WONDERFUL adventure...
Stanley's girl would love your shots of your noses - she like noses.....
They're both great noses. Congrats on your award too. Well done!
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
woofies Gus and Louie, me finks boff u nosies r pawsome....and congratulashuns on getting featured luvs to come visit u 2...
b safe,
Happy New Year!
I think both the noses are very handsome.
Hi, Gus!
Congratulations on the Featured Blog Award! Sure you deserve it! I love your blog!
You both have beautiful noses!
Kisses and hugs
Gus and Louie
Boy that's a vewy difficult one both youw noses awe exceptionally gowgeous and should come ovew so I can have a closew look
smoochie kisses
Congrats on being the featured blog and thanks for coming by to see us! You guyz are welcome anytime!
Ozzie & Rocky
and the Canine Kids said,
You both have very beautiful noses. Congratulations on your award :)
Wow that's a tough call. You both have very nice noses. Not all short & stubby like mine.
Congrats on your award! You guys deserve it..
That's a tough call! We think both of your noses are pretty adorable.
Happy New Year!!
Sherman, Penny & Lola
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