Check me out, I am one handsome pooch! Like Uncle Bob would say while looking in the mirror, "Damn I'm good looking!" Suppose I can attract some beautiful ladies?
Sunday, December 31, 2006
handsome dog
Check me out, I am one handsome pooch! Like Uncle Bob would say while looking in the mirror, "Damn I'm good looking!" Suppose I can attract some beautiful ladies?
Saturday, December 30, 2006
I can do it
Friday, December 29, 2006
Should I go in?
We have a very nasty day today.. There is tornado warnings out for Denton County so I don't think we will be going to the Lake today. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day...
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Stealth Puppy
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
King Gus
I don't know if we will make it to the Lake in the next couple of days. The lake mobile is in the shop and I don't know if Mom will let me ride in the bug. She is afraid I might shed but maybe with some coaxing I will be able to talking her into it.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
What happened?
Monday, December 25, 2006
My Christmas Present
Merry Christmas
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Mmmm Rib Bone
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Supper Time Stare
Well It is 5:00 o'clock, I eat at 6:00 if I sit here and stare at Mom maybe she will feed me. I have lots of patience. Next I will go and sit right in front of her and start nudging her and maybe she will take the hint!! If that doesn't work I start my little yip yip noise.. Well it is 5:45 and Dad caved!! he he I am one smart puppy....
Friday, December 22, 2006
Check out my stick!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Good Luck Heidi!!
This post is dedicated to my Finnish friend Heidi who is going back to Finland tomorrow to start a new job and to be with her family. She will be greatly missed. I am sure glad that she took the time this week to come out to the house and meet me . I really loved chewing on her ears and giving her doggy kisses. My family and I wish her all the best and we look forward to seeing her again when she comes back to Texas. This isn't a good-bye, it is we will see you soon.. We love you!
Look at the big log I found
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Shmed the cat
As you can see there is another family member that you have not been introduced to, it's Shmed she is a Maine Coon. She was here when I arrived and she stays in the Alpha's bedroom most of the time since I love to chase her. Sometimes though she lets me lick on her. When I do this she makes a purring noise. But when she gets tired of me she swats at me with those nasty claws of hers. This is a picture of her outside sitting on the window sill. She has gone out for the night and she likes to peek into the kitchen window to see what is going on in the house. Of course if I spot her the chase is on until she jumps over the fence.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Pathetic Blue Heeler
I just wanted you to see where I have to stay when the cats go outside and the sugar gliders come out to play. Brother Toph says I look pathetic. I am sad while it my house but I always get a cookie to go in there so it isn't so bad. After the squirrels go to bed I get to stay out all night and sleep by the bed close to the alpha's so it really isn't so bad.. I again get to return to the "Happy Dog" state...
Sunday, December 17, 2006
A new Flippy
While at the Lake yesterday I found myself a new flippy. Of course I forgot all about my old flippy when I found a new one with the strap in tacked. Well as you can see the new flippy didn't hold up to the blue heeler's shaking. Mom threw my new flippy in the garbage can when she thought I wasn't looking. Huh, little does she know..
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Beautiful Day at the Lake
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Blue Heeler Waiting
Hey look at me. I can do tricks for cookies. I know how to sit, lay down, roll over and stand. I do have one problem though that when there is a cookie in the mix, I do all my tricks in a row knowing the that wonderful cookie is coming. Mom also taught me how to push the button on Sis's Yoshi toy that she got from McDonalds. It only took me about 3 turns to perfect that skill. I have not yet figured out how big brother Toph has deemed me as "Short Bus."
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Look at these hiding places
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
New Flippy
I just thought you would want to see the perfectly good flippy that I found Sunday at the lake. I shook it to hard though and the strap flew off in no time. I guess they don't make flippies like they used to. I sure had fun with it while I was there whether it had a strap or not. It still shook the same..
Monday, December 11, 2006
Lake Mobile
I told you about the Lake Mobile yesterday so I just wanted you to see it. As you can see it is just an old red truck but it is my Lake Mobile. Whenever I get up on Sunday morning and Mom has showered and heads to the garage to get her Lake shoes and my leash I know what is on the agenda. We are off to the Lake. Ya, all I can think of is that nice little old man in the booth handing me a cookie and then I'm off the leash to run and run.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Off to the Lake
It was cold this AM but we went to the lake anyway. Mom was cold but I didn't mind at all. Mom says I have a warm jacket but it has holes in it where my ears stick out. I don't believe her.. The wind was cool but it wasn't to bad when the sun peaked out. I enjoyed my leash free time running all over the park. I ran down by the Lake and you will never believe what I found. You guessed it someone left a perfectly good flippy out there. I really enjoyed shaking it and carrying it everywhere I went. I left it in the Lake Mobile for our next trip.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Water Dog
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Where is Dad
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Blue Heeler and Golf Ball
Can you believe what I found at the Lake. Mom said it was a golf ball. She said they hit this ball with some kind of club. Do you believe that one of those humans would hit a perfectly good toy with a club? It is much more fun to chase it around and refuse to give it back to the Alpha's once I get it. As you can see I protect my ball from all predators and I definitely don't let it out of my site.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Fun at the Lake
Monday, December 04, 2006
New Tricks
While at the Lake we found this really cool dock that was about 5 foot high and out of the water. I learned how to jump up on it in no time. I could jump up, run up the ramp, run down the ramp and jump off. Man was that exciting. I fell on my rear a few times but I soon had everything in complete control. Don't you think I look really handsome standing up their? My mom's friend would say "chiflado." (Proud) I sure hope that we can go back there soon..
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Another Cold Day in Texas
Well the weather in Texas has again spoiled my plans of playing at the Lake. It is 34 degrees this AM with the wind blowing. Almost all of the leaves have turned brown and fallen off the trees so it looks like this "dag" will be spending the day in the house. As you can see I dream of being here at the lake cooling my feet. Today I think my poor feet would be almost frozen. Maybe next week the weird Texas weather will turn Spring like. I can only hope.....
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Snow in Texas

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Sugar Gliders
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Loons, loons and more loons
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
The Ninja
After Turkey

I had a wonderful Turkey Day. The Alpha's fed me fresh baked Turkey.. Mmmmm I don't know how they do it I think I heard them say they had to stuff it and bake it in the oven. Mom and Sis Made homemade pumpkin and apple pie on Wednesday. That was excellent also.. I may have to go on a diet after all that.. NOT
I am doing what a Blue Heeler does best after eating turkey
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