Sunday, May 11, 2008

My first experience at herding...


BenTheRotti said...

wow gussie.. you herded those strange looking beasties?? Hmmm I think maybe I would have tried to eat them.. so way to go you!!

Can you please give your Mom a very BIG slobbery Mommys Day Kiss from me please?

love, licks and tailwags,

Ben xxxxx

Ruby Bleu said...

I think you are a natural!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

the many Bs said...

hey Gus, did you herd those beasts into that corner? they totally look afraid of you. good job!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Furry khool!!

Surely not something a Sibe khould/would ever do!!!

I'm jealous!

Hugz&Khysses TO You and YOUR Mom,

Lizzy said...

How'd you do, Gus? Did you eat the sheep?! I bet you did a great job!


Southbaygirl said...

Woo Hoo Gus got to finally herd sheep! Yippee! Three woofs from southern california to you!!! Wasn't it fun? How did you do? Did you go right for the sheep initially? Was this your instinct test? Was it fun? Was it fun? Wasn't it fun!!!! It's so fun to be doing your job! I'm so proud of you Gus and of your mom. Your mom will need more help than you-my mom is finally getting it!


Asta said...

That must be sooo much fun..!!!gweat job!!!
I hope you and youw family had a gweat celebwtion fow youw Mom today!!!
Happy Mothew's day to Mommi says thanks to you
smoochie kisses

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends!
That looks interesting. Did you enjoy it?? I hope so!
Happy Mother's Day!
Give your mom lots of kisses and hugs from us.

Charlie Daniels said...

Now if my puppy counting is correct, that's 6 sheep .. . hey that's 24 heels you could nip at! Cool ! :-)


Islay said...

You have your own sheep to play with!!! You are sooo lucky!


Noah the Airedale said...

Excellent matie, how did you go?
Those sheep look scared hee hee.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

i said...

You herded those? Oh wow! Is it fun? They listened to you?

Happy Mother's Day to your mommy! Lots of wags and licks from me too! LS said thank you for your lovely greeting!

Kapp pack said...

You look great out there!

Woo woo, Kelsey Ann

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Did you really herd those goats? Wow, great job!
And happy mother's day to your mom too!

meemsnyc said...

Oh wow, are those sheep?

Anonymous said...

Way to go Gus - did you get them where you were supposed to?


Mack said...

Were those sheepies?
I saw a pasture of sheepies once and couldn't stop barking my head off at them! Mom was MAD!!!

Agatha and Archie said...

More pics more pics!!!! TOO COOL!!!Love A+A

Emma the Golden Girl said...

and the Canine Kids said,
Wow, Gus, that looks like so much amazing fun you are having. You are so incredibly lucky to be out and about herding.

Petra said...

OMD, Gus! That looks like fun but also kind of scary! What happened? How did it go?

Duke said...

Did they listen to you, Gus?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Niamh said...

That looks very exciting Gus! I have only met concrete sheep and they don't move. Some of my herding dog friends have done herding and they love it. Looks like you had fun.

Your friend,

Dexter said...

That herding is very hard work. I hope you enjoy it.

Peanut said...

So how did you do?