Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sheep Herding Saturday..

Louie, Look Mom put me in Jail!! Just kidding I am in the pen with the sheep...
Callie, Just resting after my turn with those sheep..
Gus, Now this is how you relax after herding!!!
Louie, I know there are sheep behind this tree...
Gus, Look I am a real sheep dog..
Gus, Mom thought this was a cool picture..
Louie, Hey I got them all..
Callie, What Mom? See how I can put my brakes on!!
Callie, I got them all Mom...
Mom here, I know we said we were done but we thought you all would enjoy some pictures of us herding. It has been really dry here in Texas as you can see from all the dust in the pictures.. The Red's did exceptional well today considering that they haven't been herding in over a month. Gus acted a little rusty. Him and that Mr. Ram were constantly trying to dual it out.. All in all we had a great day. Hopefully everyone will enjoy these. We will probably post again when we have something exciting to share..

Thursday, March 03, 2011

1530 post Mom is hanging it up..

Gus, enjoying the sunshine with a good roach...
Callie are you hiding in the weeds?
Louie just watching the action.
Well Mom has been posting almost everyday since 2006, 1530 posts in all. She has decided that maybe she needs a break.. Everyone has watched Louie and Callie grow up to be awesome deaf adults with great herding skills and wild antics. Gus has watched over them the entire time.
We love all of you that have followed us along the way. Thanks so much for being our friends. If you want to catch up a bit we will post a bit on Facebook's Dogs with blogs..
Mom will leave the blog up for a while if you wish to review our lives.. Thanks again for everyones wonderful comments and friendship.. I have an email address gus0003@gmail(dot)com if any of you want to stay in touch.. Who knows Mom may change her mind at sometime..

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Wordless Wednesday..

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Do not look!!

Callie, just enjoying this tasty stick. Mom I am not looking at you...
Louie, there has to be a squirrel in that tree. Mom do you see it?
Gus, Mom put that flashie beast away.. I am not going to look..
We have a nice sun shinny day today.. Temps in the low 70's perfect weather here in Texas..

Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy dogs..

Louie is is my turn again? Gus do you need any help out there?
Callie, Mom can we go home now. I am just totally pooped out..
Gus, nothing but butts...
The heeler's thought you wouldn't mind a few more pictures of herding. The Red's are busy watching me, the Blueman showing them how it is done...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

More Herding...

Gus, here Mr. Ram come play with me..
Callie working her outrun... Girl your supposed to have your feet on the ground..
Louie heading off a run away... Go Louie go..
Gus is the official Mr. Ram herder these day. He appears to be the only pup that isn't afraid of the rams antics. He decided to try and head butt Gus once and Gus didn't back down since then Gus always gets the herd with that ram..

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday Herding

Gus, I got you Mr. Ram.. I don't want to hear any complaints out of you..
Gus, How is this Dad?
Louie, Ok Dad lets talk about this. I go one way and you go the other..
Louie wanting to see just how fast that sheep is... Keep your ears back for maximum wind resistance.
Callie just happy to be out here with the sheep..
Callie ready Mom open that gate! Time to see the girl work...
We had a great day herding today. Mom says that since we are all napping now. No zoomies left in us..

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Callie Caves

Well, dad did it again, played the belly rub card to get the heeler's fired up and zooming.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Louie Caved

Yup, that is right, we were still giving Dad the silent treatment until Louie caved. But it wasn't all his fault, Dad was giving him a back rub and he couldn't help himself, just had to tuck his tail and run.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Silent treatment

We are giving dad the silent treatment for trading off mom for a gallon of milk. Every time he brings out his camera to capture us zooming, we just stop and look at him as if to say "What." walk away, lay down, then stare at him with our evil eyes ................

Sunday, February 20, 2011

She did it again

Yep, that is right, mom went back to Vancouver, training she said, we think Dad just traded her for a gallon of milk.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Norwood's Eyewatch Friday..

Norwood's Eyewatch Friday..
Louie watching the backyard.. What is there?
Gus, Blue-ing in the sunshine watching the Pest..
Callie girl, Are you watching Louie or trying to start something...
We have a lovely day today upper 70's and lots of sunshine.. Just the right weather for playing in the backyard.. Hopefully the weather will hold out all weekend long...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Helping Mom..

How you help Mom work from home!
First you make sure she is on a conference call. Then you start barking, chasing your tail and playing zoomies in the house. All of this so everyone on the call can hear.
Next you make sure Mom starts yelling at the deaf dogs still while on the conference call! Dah Mom deaf dogs we don't hear you..
Then to top it all off you go to the backdoor and start barking again as if you have to go out to do your business only to go out once Mom gets up and opens the door and turn right back around as if to say "I am just kidding Mom"
After Mom hangs up from said call you do this!!

Thanks for a wonderful day Mom!!!
After this we would really like to wish Dad and Auntie Carrie a very Happy Birthday.. We can't tell you how old they are for fear being deprived of treats but lets say they are older than dirt..
Oh Dad would want us to be sure and say that Auntie Carrie is 7 minutes older than he is..
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Another sunny day..

Now what is the Pest doing?
Gus, A great day for roaching...
Louie, Does anyone want to play ball?
Yes we have another nice day here in Texas unlike last week. Temps in the upper 70's. A great day for playing outside..

Monday, February 14, 2011

Checking things out..

Callie, These things are pretty tasty Mom. I don't understand why Dad doesn't like me eating them.
Louie, How do you like my sheep dog pose?
Gus, Mom when are we going to plant something in this garden? It must be time for something as nice as the weather is these days..
Yes Gus we are having really nice weather these days. The temps are in the 70's again today. We haven't heard what the weatherman has to say about it but we sure hope it is good...