Thursday, August 30, 2007
Still searching
Update: Dad packed a bag and told me he was off to Dogston, Massachusetts to see if he could find mom. My job is to wait here in the window and watch for mom. I sure hope they get home soon, it is the weekend and I hear the lake calling me !!!
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
Trout the Blue Heeler

His mom and my mom email back and forth and talk dog stuff. Compare notes about us.
From the sounds of things he is just as mischievous as I was at that age, doing things like stepping on cats, herding cats, chewing what ever we could find laying on the floor. Typical Blue Heeler puppy stuff !!!
So welcome to the family Trout !!!
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
rescued dog
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
No Mom
Well, I am out looking for mom, so enjoy the fireworks and I will get back with you tomorrow with an update.
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Lonely Blue Heeler
Mom didn't come home today after work, in fact she left late this morning with her camera bag. I am not sure what to make of this turn of events.
Dad said she went to Dogston, Massachusetts.
I will just lay here in the window and sunshine while waiting for her, she will be home soon, I know it !!!
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler
Sunday, August 26, 2007
I am so tall!
Look at me Mom I found something in the water that makes me look so tall!! I guess it is just a rock under the water but I can see a lot farther now.
We went to a different park today. It wasn't a very big park but I could get in the water. I had to stay on my lease though so it wasn't that much fun fetching the stick but we made due..
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
Saturday, August 25, 2007
I got it mom!
Look Mom I got the stick! Now you can throw it again. Of course I may have to take it to Dad and shake a little bit before I give it to you. Mom is always laughing at me since I do manage to find the biggest stick to drag in and out of the water.. This one isn't the biggest one I have found but close..
Last week while at the lake the Park Ranger came to visit and told us that we couldn't go into the park anymore since it really is closed. Mom and Dad don't know where we will go this week but I am sure it will not be this Park. :0(
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
Friday, August 24, 2007
I'm so happy!
I am at the lake and I am so happy. I just like running through the water and chasing the stick. Mom thinks that she will be able to wear me out here but I actually think she is building up my stamina and as you know blue heelers have a tremendous amount of stamina in the first place. Good luck Mom!!
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
Happy Dog
I am at the lake and I am so happy. I just like running through the water and chasing the stick. Mom thinks that she will be able to wear me out here but I actually think she is building up my stamina and as you know blue heelers have a tremendous amount of stamina in the first place. Good luck Mom!!1
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Check out my stick
Mom has been throwing and throwing my stick. I decided that I needed a break so I think I will just lay here and take a break. I sure am feeling cool. That water really cooled me off. Mom laughs at me since when I decide to rest I usually decide that I also must roll.. he he I think she is catching on...
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Look out dad!
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
Monday, August 20, 2007
Getting dirty.
We went to the lake on Saturday again and Mom threw the stick for me but I decide I was just to clean so I decided to roll in the dirt. Mom thinks that I have this game all figured out because when I roll in dirt she will throw the stick back in the water to clean me up. I think it is a great game since I get to get dirty and to fetch the stick. Silly mom will you ever figure this out??
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
Sunday, August 19, 2007
The lake is down
Mom took this picture at the lake yesterday showing that the water has indeed come down. If you look close enough at the trees you can see where the water line was. Woof that water was high! The boat ramp is out of the water now it is just a matter of time before the Park can reopen. One of the parks is already open but our 2 favorite ones still remain closed.
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Come on in Mom the Water is Great
Look at the nice cool water Mom! Why don't you come in and go swimming with me? The temperature is really hot so a nice cool dip would be great.
We are heading out to the lake again this morning. We have a nice overcast day so it won't be as hot as it was last weekend.. I think if I bother Mom and Dad enough she will get my drift....
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
Friday, August 17, 2007
Gus splashing
Here is another picture of me splashing into the water. I dove after that stick.. Oh what fun a dog can have. The only problem is I always get water in my ears so I come out of the water shaking. I always make sure I go to where Dad is so I can share the water with him. I think that is very funny... :0)
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Just chill'in
I have been playing with the stick and running around checking everything out and now I decided just to lay here in the water and chill out.. Oh the life of a puppy. The water is so cool and relaxing.
It is supposed to rain this weekend so we may not get to the lake but I can keep on dreaming of it..
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Look at the big stick I found
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Look at what was at the Lake
Monday, August 13, 2007
The lake is going down
As you can see the lake continues to go down. We are hoping that the lake goes down enough so they will open the park this weekend. This is looking at the boat ramp that is almost out of the water now. There is a lot of debris that needs to be cleaned up so it maybe next weekend before it opens but we can still walk in...
We did see a very large water snake while there on Saturday so Mom made sure we kept far away from that spot. Mom doesn't like snakes especially 4 foot ones... Yuckers...
Sunday, August 12, 2007
I got it Mom!!
Look at me I got the stick. I had to go under to get this one and Mom caught me coming up. I don't really like to go to deep into the water but this stick just had to be gotten! See mom I really can swim when I have too. Mom calls me a "big chicken" but I fooled her this time...
It is really getting HOT in Texas so we didn't stay at the lake very long. I didn't mind since I spent the entire time in the water.....
Saturday, August 11, 2007
The lake is down
The Lake has went down quite a bit since last weekend. As you can see the boat ramp is almost out of the water. We are figuring they will come in maybe this weekend and clean up all the debris and possible open the park for Labor Day. It won't be our own secluded spot anymore but other doggie friends of mine will also be able to enjoy the park..
Under Construction
My blog is under construction at the moment as I have decided to make a few changes.
Hopefully everyone will like the changes.
So if you happen to reload and things are different, or just plain messed up, don't worry, just find some shade like me and relax.
Speaking of shade, I sure hope mom gets up soon so we can head to the lake. Lake water and shade sure make for a cool blue heeler on a hot Texas day !!!
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler
Friday, August 10, 2007
I can make a big splash!
Check this out. Mom caught me me chasing that stick! Man I can make a big splash. Mom says it is really hard to catch me in the act. She has to toss that stick and then focus on me while I am in mid stride. I think she did a good job of catching me this time. I don't mind getting my head wet while doing this but if that water gets to deep I just sit and bark at that silly stick!! She says I am a big chicken...
Thursday, August 09, 2007
What is in there.
Mom caught me here being very curious. I think grandma Irma would call me Curious George!! I went in and Mom thought I would turn around and come out but I fooled her. I backed out. She didn't peak in the see what was there and I didn't tell her.
She doesn't think it was a bunny or I probably would have ran out the other side. He he she will never know...
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Just chillin
It was kind of warm at the lake on Saturday even though there was a cool breeze the later it got in the day the hotter it got. I found that just standing in the water cooled me off. I didn't even need Mom to throw me the stick I could just stand here and chill.
It is getting HOT again in Texas we are soon going to be in the triple digits. With these temperatures the lake should go down and the parks should open again. Although I don't mind walking into the park since no one else is there it is really very peaceful.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Treasures at the lake
Look at what I found at the lake! You will never know what can be found when there is high water. It seems someones soccer ball just kind of floated in and now it is mine. I had all kinds of fun shaking it and chasing it all over. Mom didn't like the shaking part of my game. It seems I was slinging dirt and mud all over. Oh well Mom will wash.. he he
Monday, August 06, 2007
A better picture of the roadrunner..
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Beep Beep in the back yard!
Look at what we saw in our backyard yesterday! Yes it is a Roadrunner. Mom couldn't believe it when she spotted him. He seem to make himself right at home. I think he wanted to have his picture taken since he stayed around for about an hour.
Mom thinks since we have a huge amount of toads wandering in our backyard this year that he had stopped for a snack..
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Friday, August 03, 2007
Look I am a circus dog
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Look at Amber!

Look at my new friend Amber. Isn't she cute. She lives in New Mexico. Doesn't she look peaceful here? I sure wish I could go visit her. I think we would have great fun running and playing together. She belongs to Mom's good friend Sherry whom she has known for a very long time. Welcome to the family Amber!!!
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Fun at the lake!
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