We just want to take a minute to reflect on the wonderful year we have had.
Although 2007 started with some sorrow, as our brother & sister lost their best friend Jesse to a violent car accident, he may be missed but will never be forgotten. Dad also went to WI to witness the scattering of his cousin's ashes below his favorite tree stand. A toast was held high in remembrance of JC.
We can all take comfort in the fact we know they are looking down on us, keeping us safe as our guardian angels..
We also have many, many good memories .....
Aly got married and is expecting. Mom spent a wonderful week on the farm with Grandpa, Grandma and her brothers.. That was a week of hard work preparing for an auction but many nights were spent reminiscing childhood memories and a few beers had by all. Dad chased deer through the woods, didn't catch any but that is because he runs on two legs not four legs.
Oh, and WHO could forget that horrible day when mom & dad brought me, Louie. Just kidding, well, he is asleep at the moment, so ask me later when he isn't sleeping.
In all reality, the adoption of Louie was truly a blessing for us .........
HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone, wishing everyone a great 2008 !!!!