Monday, July 13, 2009

Protective Momma!

Mom got this from someone on the internet. I was titled Mom will do anything for her child. She thought that Khyra and Norwood would enjoy it..

The last caption said. " I just got my *ss kicked by a squirrel.


Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

I love it - but i have to say i dont think the squirrel would have faired so well if it was Sweetie - Woodrow would have lost the battle hands down - all 72lbs of him. But i love my dufus anyway

deb and the brats

Bruce said...

Sharon knows about Moms...not me, but she says that she would do ANYTHING to protect her young...I'm included in that category too:)

Anya said...

Great action shots ^___^

An English Shepherd said...

Great pictures.

Yes Mums are tough when protecting their young !

Wizz :-)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

If only I khould khlimb!


Unknown said...

Aw...isn't that wonderful? It's amazing how brave mothers can be when they have to be!

Unknown said...

ps. I think it was me there, I would not have needed the Mummy Squirrel to teach me a lesson...I would have been terrified of the baby! :-)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom was just doing what comes naturally. She is very lucky that pup let her do it.

woo, the OP Pack

Shmoo said...

Dang, gotta watch those momma squirrels, can't say that I blame her, but... this makes us all look pretty bad.


Becky's Barnyard said...

I saw that video; and she was tough. I know you guys are just too sweet to bother a little squirrel. Right?

Mack said...

That is a mean squirrel. I think the poochie should have run from her!

The Old Gray Egg said...

Please, someone call 911. There is a poor, innocent dog that needs to be checked for rabies.

Lorenza said...

Thanks for sharing it!
I had a good laugh!
Kisses and hugs

Raising Addie said...


When will this heat end!!! Not sure how much more we can take!

Stay cool!

Addie, Lucie, and Hailey

Unknown said...


Wowzer.. I better think twice when chasing a squirrel! Do you think mother frogs do the same thing? Thanks for the warning... Whoa!

Ziggy Stardust said...

That was fun.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Duke said...

Whoa! That mama squirrel came out of nowhere to protect her baby! We guess it's only natural!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Figures it was a dumb labradork.


Agatha and Archie said...

Hoo boy,this post was a bit too much for us......being terriers and all......Love A+A

Pedro said...

Holy macaroni! That is one good mom! I know my mom would do that for me, Ziggy & the cats cause she stood up to a really scary bad dawg when the dawg attacked Libby our cat. That was one scary dawg...


Chef said...

OK, I think I'm giving up on squirrels.


Thor and Jack said...

Great shots :)
Thanks for sharing.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello happy heelers its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow that skwirrel is baaaad!!! it must hav gotten training frum the ninja hedjhogs or sumthing!!! hay thanks for stopping by i hope i wil see yoo agin soon ok bye

Southbaygirl said...

WOW! I chase squirrels but have never had one do that to me!! that was scary! That squirrel was mean!!!

Woof Velcro