Monday, February 04, 2008

What's out there?

Gus don't go to deep I am not sure if I can swim yet..

That Louie still follows me everywhere but look he won't go very deep into the water no matter what I find out there...

It was 80F in Texas today. I sure wish Mom and Dad didn't have to work. Maybe we could be at the lake doing this again...


Kathryn and Ari said...

Oh, we wish it were warm enough to swim here!

You've been tagged! Come to our blog to learn more.

Asta said...

What fun!!!
I hope you and Louie awe having a gweat time in that wawm weathew!! It must be so vewy nice to have a bwuvvew who follows you awound and admiwes you so..Of couwse, he's supew lucky to have you as a wole model
smoochie kisses,

Jan said...

I love water. I am a sea Poodle, but the other dogs just go in because I tell them to. What wimps.

Misty the alpha (and water) Poodle

Duke said...

You guys sure do love going to the lake a lot! What a pretty spot and a great way to cool down!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Ferndoggle said...

80 degrees??? I'm coming to Texas.


Maya and Kena said...

Aww... once again we love your picture!!
We don't like water too much, but does mud count?
And you are totally right about the treat jar..the only thing that matters is what's inside!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Lorenza said...

Hi, Gus and Louie!
Too bad your mom and dad have to work while the weather is so nice to go to the lake!
Sure the next weekend you two can be there!
Kisses and hugs

the many Bs said...

oh dog, if we were there we would go out deep enough to swim. we would love to play in the water with you guys and on the beach. we could run and splash and chase balls and swim and then roll in the dirt and do it all over again! sigh....


Hammer said...

Hi Gus and Louie
Thank you very much for your happy barkday wishes for Beau and me.
You'd best be careful in the water. I'm scared of the water. I've never been near the sea until I came to live with my mum.
Love from Hammer

Lacy said...

woofies Gus and Louie, it wained all day here today, but gonna b sunny and around 75 tomorrow, me gonna send sum of dat nice weather to asta so she can go to da dog run....

b safe,

Cassidy said...

Me no knows how to swim either. Me has to start hydrotherapy for my leggy, but me gets to wear life jacket, phew!

Cassidy x

Katherine and Pippa said...

I think Louie is very brave. I wouldn't even go that far.


(have I said ty for the award? I can't remember)

Girasol said...

wow! 80F already? nice! I bet was refreshing step into the lake.

Mack said...

It was 75ish where we live. Woo Hoo!

Don't go too deep...Looks like Louie is a little hesitant, and you know he would follow his big brudder anywhere!!

The Daily Echo said...

Hey Gus & Louie - check out my blog. There's something there for you!

Southbaygirl said...

Gus and Louie,

Wow 80 degrees?? It's warmer in texas than it is in California! Did the herding lady call your mom back? i sure hope she calls because I really want you guys to go chase sheep-it's SO much fun!!


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

It sure was hot in Texas that past few days, wasn't it? Mom had all the windows open. But then, it rained and it is chilly again. Hope you enjoyed the lake!

Anonymous said...

Hey Gus & Louie!
MeMAW has about 6 to 12 inches of snow on the way, with strong winds to blow it around. Can MeMaw come to Texas to visit you?

Agatha and Archie said...

80 degrees!! Oh you are so lucky!!!It is cold and icky and rainy and cold here (did we say that it was cold????) love A+A

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i dun like to swim deep either... i only prefer to dip my paw..