Sunday, February 17, 2008

I can do it too!!

That Louie has to copy me again! He had to show mom that he too could jump over the log.. He is such a copy cat!!


i said...

It's a relief to know Louie is not far behind you. He really does look up to you, doesn't he? I'm sure you are flattered that he wants to be like you too, Gus. :-)

Snowball said...

Eh..hh.. Gus, How can Louie be a copy cay when he obviously a dog? Perhaps he is just a copy dog. Hee...Hee...


Maya and Kena said...

You guys are so funny! Kena always copies what Maya does and she always follows her... it's hilarious how alike we are!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
PS. And your daddy is right when he says you guys are way more handsome than the show dogs!!

Duke said...

We knew it - we just knew that Louie couldn't be far behind you, Gus! What a piece of work he is!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Girasol said...

You crack me up Louie with your actions...I mean trying to beat Gus record.
By the way you did a good jump!

Hydrocephalus in Pets said...

Louie is learning from the best.

Lola Smiles said...

you guys rock! I would love to rumble with ya!

wigglebutt wags,

Harry said...

Nice work with the log agility boys!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Southbaygirl said...

Gus, you are Louie's mentor!!! he wants to do everything you do!! Are you both going to obedience class? And will Louie try herding? I hope so!!! I went running with mom this morning and sheep herding-I'm tired and have been napping since we got home!!!

I wish i had logs to jump over! Looks like fun!


Noah the Airedale said...

Louie only copies you cause he wants to be just like you. How sweet is that!!

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Mack said...

Oh my goodness! He wants to be just like his big brother doesn't he???!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Gus!
He does whatever you do because you are his hero!
Kisses and hugs

L said...

You two are both very good at jumping over logs. It looks like a lot of fun.

Jan said...

Louie doesn't get the style points that you get though.

Misty the alpha Poodle

The Daily Echo said...

Woo! That looks like great fun! I'm gonna order a big log for our yard.

Anonymous said...

Having a younger brother can be a pain right Gus, but the humans say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. Louie obviously adores you.
Rosie & Abby

Petra said...

He loves you so much, he wants to do everything that you do!