Monday, December 17, 2007

Look at what Louie has!

Louie was busy rearranging Mom's rugs again yesterday. He decided that this one would look much better on the window seat. I just left him move it since I thought he would get in trouble and not me! Of course since he can not hear he is oblivious to the scolding.. Sometimes I think he is really lucky that he can't hear..


Lorenza said...

Hi, friends
I do the same thing with my grandma's rugs. And for some reason she doesn't like it! She is weird!
Have a good night

Snowball said...

I dun rearrange rugs but I pee in them if my hooman do noy bring me down to pee on time. The aren't very happy about it too and I hate the scolding so I think Louie is pretty lucky in a way.


Randi said...

Hi Gus & Louie! That rug looks better up there should tell your ma that ..maybe Louie is gonna be an interior he deaf? or does he have "selective" hearing...I have that sometimes!

Love & Licks,

i said...

Ooh I can relate to that! L.S. doesn't like me rearranging her rugs either. I'm pretty much deaf to her scoldings too heh heh...

Noah the Airedale said...

That's the best spot for the rug Louie. Good choice matie.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Hi ya friendzees well me Ginger thinks it looks good, Ginger would be like you Gus about the sitchy,Sparky would rather play with it and I really would like to chew it. mommy gets so mad usually at me cos if she forgets to pick up a door mat during sleepy nights I well alter the decoration (fur the better I think)

Love Licks keep up the fab pictures
waggin TX tails out

Emma the Golden Girl said...

and the Canine Kids said,
Katie is always rearranging rugs too. It looks more comfortable for you the way you have it.