Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Egg Cake - Eierkuchen

These are approximate measurement. Sis was trying to build the recipe while Mom was cooking..

Fried bacon pieces
12 eggs
1.5 tsp baking powder
3/4 cup milk
3 cups flour
1 can peaches

Crack the eggs into a bowl, add milk and baking powder and flour
Mix well. Mom uses a whisk, Sis's boyfriend says he would use a mixer.
The batter should be the consistency of pancake batter if not add a bit more milk or flour.
Put fried bacon into cast iron skillet.
Pour in batter..
Mix batter until is looks like scrambled eggs still a bit wet..
Smooth it down and let it cook with a lid on for a bit. Shake it to keep it from sticking or use the pancake flipper to lossen it.
Shake the cake out onto a plate.. This is the hard part sometime is falls apart but it still tastes great..
Pour a little more bacon grease into the skillet and flip the cake back in to the pan fried side up.. Let it cook till the bottom is nice and brown.
Ya the finished cake.. Serve with peaches
Grandma always fried it in a pan but one of Mom's older neighbor ladies would just bake it in the cast iron skillet in the oven. 350 until done..


Cyndi and Stumpy said...

That looks and sounds amazing! I cook breakfast for the crew at the food bank once a month and that's going to be next! thanks for sharing!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

That looks yummy!

So many tasty food groups in one!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

Callie Brady said...

Oh boy! Oh boy!
Is my Mom ever happy about that recipe!
She thinks she can make it on the stove. I wish she would cook the cake and give me some.
Mom says thanks!

Licks and sniffs,

Mack said...

Heaven in a skillet! I will ask mom to cook that for us!

Golden Samantha said...

Wowzers! That will be the Easter dish I bring to the family potluckster! Mmmmnnnnnn - super tasty sounding and I know it would be incredibly popular! Thanks so much for posting!
Hugs xo
Sammie and family

Dexter said...

Oh that looks just wonderful.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

OMD, does that look and sound phenomenal!!! Thanks for sharing.

Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Unknown said...

BOL this post got my M drooling and that's not an easy thing. She's not big on edibles, unlike the rest of our family. Let's hope she follows your great directions and measurements. So, you said five cube steaks, huh? We'll start with that, Thank you

Thor and Jack said...

That looks fabulous!


Sam said...

MMM, reminds me of a breakfast quiche my mom made a few years ago. My mouth is watering!

Lorenza said...

That Egg Cake looks delicious!
Kisses and hugs

The Musketeers said...

Mmm~ Looks very very yummy ! *drooling*

Life With Dogs said...

Damn. I love peaches. What would it cost to ship one of those suckers? ;)

Duke said...

OMG, our mouths are watering! How yummilicious!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

We love Luna said...

wow it looks delicious!
Thanks for the receipt!
purrs and love

Bruce said...

Sharon just copied this recipe down for future reference...looks yummy!
Thanks for sharing!
your pal,

Kapitein Haakje said...


El'bow & Hauwii

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Happy birthday, Callie! Did you get a bacon cake for your birthday!

Rufus and Indie said...

Looks so gooooood! Yuuumi!

The Army of Four said...

We were HOPING you'd post this recipe!!! Thank you! Now to get mom to try it.... !!!
Play bows,