Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wordless Wednesday...


Dexter said...

Wait a minute... first the reds were telling secrets, then Gus is telling one. I think you boys better watch out confessing things to that Callie.


Unknown said...

Y'all always have such great pics. Are you like me and put it on sports mode and merrily click until you have hundreds??? I am such a dork I like to view them fast so it actually looks like a video(and yes, I have done it backwards)
Mom needs to get in touch with your mom and we don't find an email add
ours is thetexassundog at g mail dot com
Thanks. She'd call but we dunno your names!
Sunny and the rest of the pack

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Gus, you bossin' the reds aroudn? GOOD!!!

Jan said...

Is that a tango or a waltz?

Duke said...

More secrets? It does happen this time of year!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I do think woo are planning something special fur your pawrents!


Sam said...

My goodness - you guys are ALWAYS telling secrets!

Jasmim said...

are you sharing a secret?

Chester said...

Couldn't be tellin' secrets, it's wordless Wednesday.

We always enjoy your pictures but we are embarrassed at how little we stop by. We try, really we do.

In case we don't get back before next week we wish you a very Merry Christmas season and a blessed 2010!

Chester and Mom ;0=)

Two French Bulldogs said...

Looks like you guys are doing a lot of talkin!
Benny & Lily

Lorenza said...

Happy Wednesday!
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

Lots of secret gift planning at yur house this week guys!!!

Ruger & Neve


Hi Guys,

Keep'n secrets from mommy? Remember, Santa is watching! We tell secrets under the our blankie so he can't see.

Riley and Star.

Unknown said...

Hi HH3

Louie is putting a magic spell on Callie not to listen to Gus? Ahem.. Louie.. again. I don't think she heard a word he said.

Southbaygirl said...

looks like bitey face is about to happen!!! What a fun Wednesday!



Anonymous said...

seriously, what mango said. it's not like girls can keep secrets!

We love Luna said...

Friendly moment!I loved these pictures!
purrs and love

Mack said...

Are you giving her some secret battle strategies???

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You are a very secretive trio - care to share?

Woos, Phantom and Thunder