Thursday, March 05, 2009

Well ............

Dad is still working on mom's computer, we are getting close to being up and running full speed again. Dad said something about moving 60 gigs worth of photos onto DVD's so if the repair fails Mom won't loose our baby pictures, so bare with us, Mom should have new photos tomorrow as dad said something about the lake.


Sparky said...


I hope you get everything up n' running again soon!

I can't wait to see more pictures! Especially if they're lake pictures!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

At least he's appeasing us with a Gus moment!


BenTheRotti said...


don't be worrying no rush, I wouldn't want you to lose any precious photos. Mum & Dad lost some of the beans a while ago when the computer died and they were gutted! Luckily Grandma had copies of most of them!
Mum's really happy to see a Gus photo, me too buddy!

love and tailwags,

Ben xxxx

Mason Dixie said...

Hope everything gets back to normal for you guys and Callie soon. Great picture of you Gus. =)

Unknown said...

Good thing you have dad!
Quite a pose Gus!


Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

Computers can be so much fun!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh boy, Mom has lots of pics on her laptop, maybe we need her to move them too.

Hey, that's a neat pic but woo aren't outside???

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Thor and Jack said...

I hope everything is right on!
Beautiful picture of you, Gus!


Liss said...

Love the expression in the photo

Bae Bae said...

Woh 60G of photos sure is alot. I hope you backup well. ;)

~ Bae

Huskee and Hershey said...

That's a very nice pic of you Gus!! Good luck with the compooooter!!

Suzuki said...

You are looking furry relaxed there Gus!
Big licks to you

Dexter said...

That's a lot of bytes! You better settle in for a long wait.


Totally Timmy said...

Wow an indoor shot. I didn't know you guys could sit still!

the many Bs said...

lake? did you say lake?

those are magic words!



The Army of Four said...

Awww! I love that picture of you, Gus! That looks like it would be a cool look-out window! Do you do sentry duty there?

Thoughts said...

what a cute picture! we cant wait to see more!

Lacy said...

w00f's, me likes to watch out the window like that too...hope u gits the puter fixed soon..

b safe,