Norwood, look what we found in our backyard.. We knew you would be proud. Louie is goofy he always has to lick the toad and then he starts drooling all over.. Mom isn't sure if he will ever learn not to mess with them..
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The toad..
Norwood, look what we found in our backyard.. We knew you would be proud. Louie is goofy he always has to lick the toad and then he starts drooling all over.. Mom isn't sure if he will ever learn not to mess with them..
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
deaf dog,
red heeler,
Monday, June 29, 2009
More fun at the lake..
As you can see we had fun at the lake the other day. Sure wish we could have fun there again today..
It rained a bit today so it is not nearly as hot as usual..
Mom went to the eye doctor today and the dialed up her eyes so she promises to get around to seeing everyone tomorrow.. She isn't seeing well right now...
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
deaf dog,
red heeler
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Mom is getting new hardwood floors put in so Wednesday we had to stay outside until it was just to hot for us. Mom put us in her room and that Louie he just wouldn't quit barking Mom said something about separation anxiety. What ever that means...
Those men made lots of noise with the sawing and the nail guns going. Of course the 2 Red's didn't hear a thing..
They will be back on Thursday for the sanding
Mom tried to get a picture of eat one of us on the floor but once again we were not in the posing mood...
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
deaf dog,
hardwood floors,
red heeler
Saturday, June 27, 2009
What is she doing?
What is that brat doing now. Does she really think she can take the stick away from me? I got a close eye on her...
We didn't make it to the lake this AM.. Sis came over and her and mom went shopping and they didn't take us with them.. They went to a place called Sam's and Wally World and no treats for us...
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
deaf dog,
red heeler
Friday, June 26, 2009
More sharing?
Louie here, look she grabs right a hold of my head. What is up with her? I am not liking this mom..
Just wait till she lets me go I will definitely get the better of her...
Still hot here in Texas. Maybe we will have a cool front come through tomorrow? We can only hope..
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
deaf dog,
red heeler
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Gus: Silly girl it is right next to you!!!
Look I, the Blueman can make a really big splash. All Mom's camera picked up on was the flying water...
I can see the stick though. Unlike the little girl...Maybe Mom needs to get her glasses?
106 today on Mom's way home... Will the heat ever end?
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
deaf dog,
red heeler
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
She's got my ball Mom!
Louie here, can you see that little pest stole my ball again. She even has the nerve to jump on me and show me she has my ball. Mom can you make her give it back, please? Mom I am just smiling for the camera I am NOT happy with this situation..
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
deaf dog,
red heeler
Monday, June 22, 2009
More herding...
Another HOT day in Texas.. Mom's bug said 103F on the way home.. Mom says Summer has only just begun so it isn't going to get any cooler any time soon...
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
deaf dog,
red heeler
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Pappy's Day Everyone!
Mom took this picture of us with Dad. Sorry that it isn't a great picture but it was the only one she could find with us and Dad.. As you can see we are good at helping Dad metal detect..
We celebrated this AM by taking Dad to the lake and letting him dig in the dirt for a while. Of course we played in the water..
Thanks for being a great Dad, Dad.. We love you.... Three Happy Heeler's and Mom
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
deaf dog,
Father's Day,
metal detector,
red heeler
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Last day of herding for the summer
Louie was really tired after his run with the sheep. Mom wanted to get a picture of his tongue hanging out.. He did really well today. Had a bit of a problem with the neighbors dog scaring the sheep on him..
I always get a lot of loving from Dad after I do my run.. My tongue is really hanging out too. It got hot really fast on us.. I really showed those sheep who was boss.
Callie girl loves her tummy rubs after her turn. She always has to grunt a bit like a pig when she gets her rubs.. She acted like an expert cutting those sheep off.
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
deaf dog,
Friday, June 19, 2009
Wet dogs?
Dry puppy.. More proof that Louie is not a water dog.. As you can see he is pretty dry..

Wet Callie. Callie loves the water and is always sticking her head under looking for treasures.

Me, Gus am happy being soaking wet and shaking all over Mom..

Tomorrow we are going herding for the last time this Summer. Lori said it is getting to hot for us pups and for the sheep so we are done until the Fall. Guess that means more early morning trips to the lake... Now that doesn't break our hearts any...
Wet Callie. Callie loves the water and is always sticking her head under looking for treasures.
Me, Gus am happy being soaking wet and shaking all over Mom..
Tomorrow we are going herding for the last time this Summer. Lori said it is getting to hot for us pups and for the sheep so we are done until the Fall. Guess that means more early morning trips to the lake... Now that doesn't break our hearts any...
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
deaf dog,
red heeler,
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
What is this?

This morning while we were out in the yard with Dad we saw this. Is it a cat? Perhaps another dog? No it has no hair on it's tail.. It was really hissing at me.. Not sure what I did to it but he didn't like it... Dad said it was a Possum. Now what kind of a name is that for a little creature like that?
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
deaf dog,
red heeler
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Mom caught the girl and I with our tongues out.. Maybe the lake just tasted bad? Maybe I am just sticking my tongue out at Louie. He did steal my stick as you can see..
Another really HOT day here in Texas. Mom's bug said 97F on the way home.. Seem like Summer has arrived early here..
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
deaf dog,
red heeler
Monday, June 15, 2009
Look what was in our yard!
He was just chewing away ignoring Mom... Maybe next time Mom will let us out to show him who's frontyard it is..
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
deaf dog,
red heeler,
Sunday, June 14, 2009
A Special Day..
I was considerate of Mom so I didn't shake right next to her but the Red's are fare game.. Louie appears to be telling me to stop and the little one just doesn't know any better so she stayed right in the line of fire..
So that is it for now. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad. We hope you have many more. Oh thanks for including us on your special day...
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
deaf dog,
red heeler,
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Shaking and Roaching..
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
deaf dog,
red heeler,
Friday, June 12, 2009
There is that Louie again just sitting backing watching the show. He waits till I give up and let the little girl have the stick then he snags it..
Very hot day in Texas today.. Not quite 100+ degrees like Lorenza has been having but pretty close.. We had all that rain yesterday so it is really humid out there. Not even a place Heeler's want to be. We enjoy laying on the floor under the fan..
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
deaf dog,
red heeler
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Thursday Thanks..
We got some tennis ball, one of our favorites. The neat kong bone and some yummy sausages..
Thank you so much Daisy we are truly friends forever...

australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
deaf dog,
red heeler
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Louie got it..
Ya I caved. I let the big Red have the stick this time.. As you can see he isn't very wet.. He certainly does like to bring the stick to Mom though.. Doesn't he look proud of himself?
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
deaf dog,
red heeler
Monday, June 08, 2009
You coming Mom?
Hot day in Texas today.. No trips to the lake. It is Monday and Mom and Dad don't have time to take us to the lake. Not that we would want to go as hot as it is..
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
deaf dog,
red heeler
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Where's the stick?
We went to the lake today but there were lots of Boy Scouts at our lake.. We had to settle for a long walk with Mom on the leash. We did see some of Khyra's squirrel friends though. Mom had to keep a tight hold on us since you know us heelers wanted to herd them or maybe just chase them..
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
deaf dog,
red heeler
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Who is going to get it?
Callie: No way am I going to get it. It is to deep for me..
Gus: What a Sissy girl you are.. You can stick your head underwater but you can't swim and get a stick?
Callie: Your the big brother, I will let you have it!!
Gus: Ok I got it.... You just watch and learn.
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
deaf dog,
red heeler
Friday, June 05, 2009
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Thankful Thursday..
We would like to thank Mason Dixie for these lovely Cranberry Clusters. We received them one day last week but silly Mom did not notice the card on it.. Mason asked about it yesterday and sure enough there it was. Thank you so much Mason. You are a wonderful friend..
There are some rules that go with this award. But we think most of our friends have already received this. So if not feel free to grab it..

The rules for sharing this award are different than other awards because instead of just passing it on to just anyone, you are supposed to pass it on to blogs you've recently discovered.
1) Accept the award and post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award!
2) Pass the award on to other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.
Luna you are our newest discovered friend so we are going to welcome anyone to grab it for there very own...
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
deaf dog,
red heeler
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Wordless Wednesday..
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
deaf dog,
red heeler
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
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