Mom tossed the big stick pretty deep into the water.. Not sure if I want to go get it.. Maybe I will just watch it for a bit. Usually I bark at it, I think that makes it float in a bit closer.. I finally did get up the nerve to swim after it..
Norwood this stick is for you!! I know you will be proud that mom finally featured the Blueman instead of those Reds...
And woo know I like Blueman too!
That is such a big stikhk!
Do woo bark softly?
what a big stick!!!
I (Paco) sure will have bark a lot against such a big stick....but Milo is more brave than me and sure he catched it immediatly!!!!!
I bark very very very high and you???
Great photo!!!!
HAve a great weekend dear friends!!!
Lots of love and kisses!!!
That big stick came near you, Gus??
Do you bark strong for it??
that is a big stick
Wow - I would never go that deep in the water - you are very brave!!
I think it is coming closer just have to wait a few more minutes & it will be within reach!
Yeah Blue Man! Finally.. the spotlight! Mom is such a tease. 1st with the reds in every photo op and now tossing in the huge stick out of reach. She's always testing the blue man but he always comes on top!
That stick sure is a keeper!
The bigger the better!
Looks like we will have a nice hot weekend!
Hope you get to swim lots!
Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey
You are up to your neck in that water. You be careful out there. That is one big stick.
Hi, Gus!
Sure that was a big stick!
I hope you got it!
Kisses and hugs
You guys sure can swim! My border collie won't go near the water!
Did you get the stick matie? You look really close in the photo.
That is a FURRY BIG stick!
I hope you have a pawsome weekend.
Big licks to you
Holy Moly! That stick is more like a log, Gus!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
That's a huge stick!
happy you got your stick - we love to swim after sticks
It's nice to take the stick but please friends, take care about the cold water okay!
Luna and dad Cezar
Wowzers! Did ya get it, Gus!?!? It's HUGE!
Play bows,
We knew you could do it - way to go, Blueman. Hope you had lots of fun teasing the other two with it too.
woos, the OP Pack
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