Oh ya we are having a great day..

This award was presented to us by our Biggest Bud
Here are the rules..
1. Post it on your blog and link to the doggie that gave it to you.
2. List 7 things you love.
3. List 7 blogs you love.
4. Email or comment on the blogs you love to let them know you've given them an award.
Everyone knows what the heelers love...
The Lake, Herding, playing with sticks, fetching balls, bitie face, The Lake and Herding....

We got this wonderful award from our great Blue friend
It's presented to those dog bloggers out there who know the meaning of GREATNESS. Their blogs are consistently interesting, funny, or informative. Their KINDNESS is extended to others without expectation of its return, and their FRIENDSHIP inspires others to do EXTRAORDINARY things. These are the blogs you can't wait to read everyday. In short, they are AWE-INSPIRING, full of wonder, and simply PAWsome!Norwood is always up to some kind of antic which give us heeler's a great name... Thanks Norwood you are the bestest friend ever..

We got this awesome award from our great friend from Brazil.. Thanks
Thor you are the best.
Thank you so much

We got this award from our newest friend
Diego Thank you..
As a dedication for those who love blogging activity and love to encourage friendships through blogging.To seek the reason why we all love blogging.Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it.Don’t forget to mention the person who gives you the award.Answer the Award’s question by writing the reason why you love blogging.Tag and distribute the Award to as many people as you like.We love to blog because we have met lots of awesome friends all over the world. We all share our great times and we are always there when tragedy happens...
These awards have been around for a bit so we are going to let anyone that wants to grab them and display them on your sidebars...