Dad has made an acquaintance on another forum he frequents, Mary Shafer is an author of a book called "Almost Perfect Pets."
Her book and blog revolve around folks who have adopted Special Needs or Handicapped pets. Some heart touching stories in her book, we are not sure whether to laugh or cry at times, so if you get a chance, go on over and give Mary a visit and a "HOWDY" at:
Thank You Mary !!!
for caring about our "fur-friends" that society has deemed "unacceptable." We need more people in the world like you !!!
What does she mean Gus SEEMS to be the leader?
She doesn't know the real ruler!
Tank woo fur sharing!
PeeEssWoo: Mom says she sees Mary is 'near' us! Her area of Pawsylvania is only 'bout two hours or so from here!
We surfed over and said "ha roo". What a cool blog!
Tail wags,
We will have to go take a look!
Thank you for sharing!
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie
hi gus, louie & callie,
what a fun heeler pack! Seems you have no trouble finding fun...sticks, bones, holes in the ground! norwood does the same things so it's a heeler thing.
Send your hot weather over here...big snowflakes are falling again.
thanks 4 sniffing by my blog! i'll back be to see what you're up too.
We're on our way over. There is a place in heaven for those of you whose pets are perfect in other ways than what most people think.
(Good job on the post)
A note from Addie and Lucie's mom...
I know, crazy weather right! It is such a tease... beautiful during the week and freezing on the weekend. My friend at work reminded me that this has been happening every year around the same time. I guess I block that out. My allergies don't know what to do!
Stay bundled up today outside!
Thanks for letting us know about Mary, Gus! We're on our way!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I'm going to go say hi to hew..I think all of you awe Pawfect!!!!!
thank dogness some hoomans can see wif theiw heawts too
smoochie kisses
Thanks for sharing. I´m going to take a look!
Happy Sunday!
I am going to check it now!
Did you go to the lake?
Kisses and hugs
Hi dad!
I will certainly check out the book. You may not know but my mom's career is dedicated to working with people w/disabilities. She certainly can transfer much of the sentiment to my work.
We will go visit Mary. You two look like you are ready to go!
we think that all creatures are perfect. we're going to go visit your friend right now.
What a nice blog, thanks for sharing with us. And I to believe Gus is the leader. I think Callie wants to be and Gus humors her time to time. =)
that's a sweet post.
Dad did just fine. We will head over and take a peek.
Woos, the OP Pack
I have just been to check it out, furry cool :)
Big licks to you
Well I don't think you two are special needs...I think you're perfect!!
We think it's cool your dad is helping you to blog. Heading over for a visit.
We love the big blue guy, but Callie girl is really the leader.
That is a nice blog.
We'll go over to say hi. Nice picture of you 2 Callie and Louie. ;)
~ Bae
How neat! We'll definitely go check that out.
Thanks for posting this link! I'm heading over there now :)
I checked out her blog & I think it's great! I left her a comment over there & we'd love to share the story of our two special kitty sistas who are also not perfect & who people rejected.
Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer
Thanks for sharing the link to the blog of Mary
Tell your dad that we'll go check out his friend's blog. We have a special needs kitty - Libby the 3 legged wonder cat!
We'll check it out.
I've picked you for the Honest Weblog award. If you want to play along just follow the instructions on my blog post!
Thanks for the info - we're going to take a look now.
After the way my mom cried when Baby Love died, we better warn her to turn off the sprinklers when she goes to that blog!!
Hey, everyone who stopped over to visit us at AlmostPerfectPets blog! Thanks so much for visiting, and if you have stories of your own "almost perfect" pets to share, write to Mary at almostperfect AT Of course, you'll have to take out the spaces and replace AT with @ so the mean compubots don't spam Mary to death. Tummy rubs to everyone!
Weaver, Idgie, Winkie Jack and Boo Kitty
Members of the Crazy Old Cat Lady Starter Kit at Mary's house!
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