The water is still high as you can see and it is getting very dark outside so we are in for some more rain here. Although it is pretty hot and humid out there is rain in the forecast. I was hoping that the rain would quit for a while so that the lake would go down but that doesn't seem to be in the plan.. I dog can only hope....
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
More high water
The water is still high as you can see and it is getting very dark outside so we are in for some more rain here. Although it is pretty hot and humid out there is rain in the forecast. I was hoping that the rain would quit for a while so that the lake would go down but that doesn't seem to be in the plan.. I dog can only hope....
Monday, July 30, 2007
Still lots of water
As you can see the water is still up. But you know that doesn't stop a blue heeler. It seems funny how these trees are all in the water and still seem to be surviving.
I really like going to the lake even though it means a nasty bath when I get home.
It rained a bit again today but now the sun has come out and it is just plain HOT and humid.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
The lake is stll up
As you can see the lake is still up. It seems to be slowly receding. The post and wires are beginning to be exposed. This is supposed to be the way to the boat ramp.
I don't mind the high water. It is a bit muddy but what does a blue heeler care. Water is water whether it is clean or not.
Mom thought I smelt pretty bad after we returned from the lake today so she got out that nasty soap and water and gave me a bath. Now that is embarrassing...
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Check this picnic table out!
We finally made it to the lake again today. Ya I am such a happy dog again. Mom caught me checking out the picnic tables. This one was still in the water. I don't know why Mom wouldn't sit with me on this one. I thought it was the best one available at the park.
We walked into the park this am so there was no one around to bother us. I got to roam freely. I even found one of those egrets from a previous picture but I quickly chased it away before Mom could snap a picture. he he Mom was just to slow..
Friday, July 27, 2007
Look at my new toy!
Dad found me a new toy yesterday. He walked into the store and asked if they had any blue heeler proof toys. The man said he didn't have any blue heeler tested but, this is what they came up with. I haven't been able to tear it up yet so I guess Dad made a good choice. I brought it up to bed with me last night. I don't think Mom or Dad liked me dropping it on the hardwood floor. I wasn't very quiet!!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Another nice day before the high water
Wasn't the lake beautiful? I still am trying to remember how nice it was to go to the lake before all the rain came. But of course we know the lake will return to this before long. Now that it hasn't been raining as much this is possible. The water shall start to evaporate and the parks will open.
The sooner the better says this blue heeler!!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Don't I look relaxed
Don't I look relaxed? This was taken before all the rain came and we could go to the park and I could run and play. I am so hoping that the rain will stop so I can get back to this place and enjoy the sunshine and the swimming. Hopefully Dad will feel better this weekend so we can walk back into the park and I can be free!!!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Isn't this beautiful?
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Wow Mom what is it.
We spotted this huge bird while we were out on our walk last weekend. Mom thinks it is a crane but we will have to ask Grandma Irma to verify for us what it really is called. He just stood on the bridge and didn't even bother to fly away. Mom thinks he was posing for her!!
I was hoping that I could play with him but once again Mom made me look and not touch. Blue heeler's never get to play with the fun ones....
It looks like we are going to have another hot day here in Texas I am staring at Mom hoping she gets the hint that I sure would like to go for a walk/run at the Lake....... Hey Mom look at me!!!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Check out the beautiful flower
While Mom and I were walking we came across these beautiful flowers. Dogs aren't much into flowers but this is really pretty so I had to share. Mom enjoys taking pictures of flowers and landscapes of course I don't mind since it means Gus gets to go along and explore.
We are hoping to get out to the lake today. They are predicting rain for this afternoon so I hope I can get Mom and Dad fired up soon...
Thursday, July 19, 2007
The ball field
This is the ball field we went to on Sunday. As you can see it is relatively new so the trees are pretty small. Not much shade for a HOT blue heeler to lay in but, I managed to find the closes tree to lay under.
The path I spoke of was down a small trail on the hill over looking the field. As I said it was pretty small but it had plenty of trees for me to mark.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Beautiful place to walk
We found this beautiful place to walk at the baseball field. We walked through the woods and it ended up at the top of a hill. There was a small picnic area when we got to the top. We kept wondering through the woods and we even saw a bunny. That bunny was way to fast for me. Of course mom had me on my leash so the bunny had a definite advantage. Mom said I wouldn't know what to do with that bunny if I did manage to catch him. I just thought he might want to play with a handsome blue heeler.. he he
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
I found the shade..
It was very Hot on Sunday so I found a nice spot under a shade tree. Mom thought it was funny that the first place I went after our walk was to the shade. One smart puppy.
We were at the baseball field so the trees were pretty small. Mom managed to find an empty water bottle and put some nice cool water in it for me.. I was one very thankful dog since I was so thirsty!!!!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Check this little guy out
Well it is HOT here now. The rain seems to have quit and the sun is nice and bright.. Mom needs to go out and water her flowers later after it cools a bit. They are looking pretty dry. Maybe the water at the lake will evaporate a bit... I sure hope so, I miss our trips to the park.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Look what we saw!!
Well it wasn't the lake as you know but we did go to a park that had water and ducks!! Their pond must drain into our lake since it was it usual depth. Don't they look like they are enjoying the morning?
I wanted to go talk to them but Mom wouldn't let me. :0( I wanted to play in their water too but Mom wouldn't let me. It was kind of a depressing day but I got to go for a walk so all is well in my world!!!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
It's not the lake
Well Dad looked it up; all the parks are closed. They are predicting more rain again this afternoon. I sure wish it would quit so I could get back in the water.
We couldn't go to the lake today so Mom and Dad took me for a walk on the nature trail by the soccer fields. It was nice and quiet but it wasn't the lake.
There was a lot of trees though. :0) Trees make a Blue Heeler very happy..
Dad is out mowing the yard to get it done before the next round of rain comes... I wish I could be out there with him. I like to bark at the noisy machines!!! I bite at the tires and Dad gets upset with me......
Thursday, July 12, 2007
I am playing in the water again
Here is a picture of me playing in the water again. It did not rain again today so I oh so hope that the lake will start to recede so I can again get back to playing in the lake. Dad is only working half a day tomorrow so hopefully the park will be open so we can go play again. Dad said we can go to the lake when mom gets home. I can hardly wait..
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Cool picture
Mom took this picture while at the lake last week. We thought is was a pretty cool picture so we thought it would be great to share with all our fans.. I know it isn't a picture of a handsome blue heeler like me but it is pretty awesome looking.
Well we had another day of no rain but that nasty weather man is predicting it again for this evening. Looking outside it is getting darker. Do you think I will ever get back to the Lake??
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
More High Water
Here is another picture of the high water. I sure hope that it stops raining so that soon so these poor trees can again be out on land again. The parks and some of the access roads are still closed. The good thing is that it hasn't rained in 2 days so maybe we can get back to the park soon. Mom thinks I am a depressed puppy since we can't go to the lake but actually I don't mind as long as I am close to Mom and Dad!! Remember I am a people puppy..
Monday, July 09, 2007
Ya, 4th of July
This is one of the pictures that Dad took at the fireworks on Wednesday night. He got a lot of great pictures. We enjoyed the 4th with Donna, Allie and family along with a bunch of Toph and Jessica's friends. I think a fun time was had by all.
The fireworks went on for about a half hour with lots of ooo's and ah's..
australian cattle dog,
blue heeler,
Sunday, July 08, 2007

Aunt Carrie you could bring him here to play with me! I would show him just how much fun the lake is to play in. Of course he may have to have a bath afterwards... he he
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Look I found a new toy
Mom really doesn't know what this was but I liked it. It was great for pushing across the ground and tossing up in the air. I am resting here thinking about chewing on it some more. Mom finally took it away from me when is was time to go home. She put it in the big nasty smelling box?
It looks like a beautiful day today but Dad had to go to work. Something about year end? Don't they know it is only July?
Friday, July 06, 2007
I like the water
It is cloudy again today. The weatherman says 60% chance of rain again today. Of course it is cloudy and sprinkling at the present time.
But I am a blue heeler and I don't mind the rain. Mom tries to tell me to stay out of the mud in the backyard but how do you do that when the backyard is a swamp!!!!
Look at me playing in the water. Come on in mom the water is fine!!!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
The lake is up
A blue heeler would love to live down there. Then I could go to the lake all the time. I could run through the water to get back home..
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
The lake has grown
Here is another picture of the high water. This is the road to the that goes back to the other part of the park. As you can see the water has taken over most of the land. I did enjoy chasing the stick for Mom on the road. She thought that if we played on the road maybe she could wear off some of my claws on tar. I certainly made a great blue heeler effort at it..
Sunday, July 01, 2007
The boat ramp is gone
The sun is shining right now so I sure hope we can go back there again and play some more..
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